Monday, August 23, 2010


I hate introductions. They feel so lame and pointless. They are, however, necessary so here's mine:

I've been reading so much lately, and my friends ask me for recommendations a lot, not to mention I may be doing book reviews on a professional level soon, so I decided to turn one of my blogs into a book review. I'll hopefully update it as soon as I finish a book but if you know me then you know I probably will be a little lax in that. I promise I will try my best though. Anyways, I'll review the books I'm reading and then at the end I'll say what's coming up next! I think I'm going to start with a few books I read earlier this summer to get this thing going and give me some time to finish what I'm reading right now.

So that's it! It should be fun, I'm pretty excited. I take recommendations and suggestions and I also encourage discussion and participation so please feel free to comment and disagree with my interpretation of the novels.

First up: Blood Oath by Christopher Farnsworth

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